Are you ready to add some serious sparkle to your Designer journey? We're thrilled to introduce the Had Me In Stitches Royalty Rewards Program, a brand-new opportunity that rewards your passion for Chalk Couture® with exclusive, limited-edition patches and a prestigious sash.
What is the program?
Starting in September 2024, Chalk Couture is unveiling a new, limited-edition patch, featuring stunning, silly, sassy, seasonal designs with intricate details created exclusively for this program by Chalk Couture Art Director Zach Jones. They’ll be highly sought-after, absolutely on-trend, and ONLY available to be earned in the month they are released.
To earn the exclusive monthly reward, Designers will need to remit 100PV each month. When Designers earn six patches, they will also earn a coordinating Couture Teal Royal Sash to show off their patches.
When will the monthly patch be available to earn?
The earning period opens on the first day of each month and runs all month long.
When will the patch for each month be revealed?
The patch design for the month will be a mystery for most of the month. But we know you’ll love what you see!
Can I earn more than one patch each month?
No, this offer does not duplicate. One patch per Designer may be earned each month. If we have remaining inventory, we may release them for sale to those who have earned them for everyday use/display on hats, totes, etc.
Can a new Designer receive the patch for the same month they initially join Chalk Couture?
Yes. If a Designer enrolls in any given month and remits 100PV, they will qualify for that month’s patch.
How will I receive my patch once I qualify?
You must utilize the Add-In Program in order to receive your patch. Your patch will be dropped into your next order placed after commissions are committed for a given month. For example, for those that qualify for the September patch, their patch will be added to the next order they place starting on October 16.
Can Perks Members participate in this program?
No. The Royalty Rewards Program is only available for Designers.